Client Testimonials


Well, it’s been about a year since I started my training program with Jorg. 
I knew I had to do something and finding someone skilled to work with 
was my first step. Jorg Mardian’s name was given to me as a credible trainer, 
and after our initial consultation, he took me on as a long term project. It 
wasn’t easy at the beginning, because at 267 pounds, I had stiff joints, lack 
of mobility and even less endurance. The going was slow for me because of 
my lack of mobility, but Jorg kept coming up with innovative workouts and 
ideas to keep things interesting.

He is so great at explaining what he does and making sure the client
thoroughly understands what is going on. As of now, the effects have been
astounding. I have lost roughly100 pounds and am now at a bodyweight of 
under 177 pounds for the first time in many years. We are doing Plyometrics,
Density, Strength, and Interval Training, as well as Boxercise and some 
Crossfit. It all adds up to having fun, increased energy, less body fat (I’m 
down about 15.5 % overall) and a huge loss in inches around the waist and 
thighs. My before and after pictures shocked even me. I hope to have Jorg 
working with me for a while longer as he demands results even more than 
I do. I would surely recommend him to anyone who wants to make a 
serious change in health, energy, outlook and appearance.
Dede EmeryOliver, BC
I had a very satisfying experience working with Jorg as my trainer. He took 
me through all the steps to strengthen my body and lower back and he was 
very informative regarding the process. His enthusiasm was catching and 
made me want to do more to achieve my goal in weight loss and gaining 
lean muscle. I felt his hourly rate was more than fair for all that I received 
in return. I would highly recommend Jorg to anyone looking for a program 
to suit his or her needs in the field of fitness training and nutritional 

Jerralynn D AlfonsoTinhorn Creek Vineyards, Ltd, Osoyoos, BC
I employed the services of Jorg Mardian to work with my son who was 
categorized as overweight, and high risk of heart attack by our family 
physician. Being a businessman myself, I know the importance of good, 
professional and personal service. I found Jorg’s service to be all these 

Thanks to his vigorous workout regimen, in conjunction with the 
recommended nutritional changes, my son has lost 45 pounds. As a result, 
his zest and self esteem have improved dramatically and his doctor says 
he is no longer in danger of heart problems. I highly recommend the 
knowledgeable service we have received from Jorg.

David J LeeOliver, BC
I am writing to thank Jorg Mardian for the wonderful fitness and nutrition 
advice, plus the expert training techniques he demonstrated to me as a 
Personal Trainer. He took the time to inquire about my goals, listen to my 
responses, and then incorporate it all into a routine that allowed me to 
successfully meet all my goals. His vast knowledge and experience in 
fitness and pain management is evident in the manner in which he 
presented and explained the routines. I really appreciate the variety of 
exercises he offered through CrossFit, Bodyweight, Density and Interval 

I also loved his approach to back strengthening through what he calls 
“Radial Kinesiology.” I now have much more freedom of movement and 
pain and feel like I have my life back again. What a refreshing and 
exhilarating, not to mention efficient change from the ordinary. The 
pictures and diagrams he put together on paper were highly efficient and 
useful to remember proper form. Jorg provides excellent resources to clients 
which serve as reminders of the various ways to increase intensity, variety 
and proper, effective movement. I highly recommend Jorg’s services. He 
has an uncanny insight into what his clients need and delivers every time. 
He is a professional in every sense of the word.

Laree BruehlerOsoyoos, BC
I used to run four days a week and actually lost about 30 pounds, before 
hitting a plateau at a body weight of 200 pounds. On top of that, my back 
was really sore all the time from pounding the pavement. I went to one 
of Jorg’s seminars at the Oliver Parks & Recreation Society 
Community Center. After listening to what he had to say I decided that it 
was exactly what I needed. I hired him to help me kick it up a few notches 
with a professional program.

Through Jorg’s expert guidance, I was able to bring my weight down to 
170 pounds, with considerably more muscle on my frame and less pain in 
my back. I have also managed to come off my high blood pressure 
medication. I have since joined his “Super Fit Bootcamp” in Oliver and I 
highly recommend this program to anyone who is interested in getting 
into shape and leading a healthier lifestyle. Jorg is an amazing resource 
for fitness and nutrition. His enthusiastic, dedicated, and honest approach 
is inspiring and in turn provides excellent results.

Dean ConwrightOliver, BC
My wife Claire and I had the great pleasure of taking a course in nutrition 
and fitness given by Jorg in Oliver, BC. At the end of his six week 
program, I lost 20 lbs, 2 inches off my waist, gained lean muscle mass, 
and was able to cut my high blood pressure medication dosage in half 
with my doctor’s blessing. Claire lost weight and several dress sizes as 
well as lowering her thyroid medication dosage by 30%. Our clothes now 
fit better and we have much more energy.

Since the end of this course, Claire and I have continued to attend Jorg’s 
“Fitness Bootcamp training sessions at the Oliver Parks and Recreation 
Society, and we recommend his services without hesitation to anyone 
who wants to feel better and enjoy the process. We are fortunate to have 
a professional with Jorg’s knowledge, commitment and enthusiasm in a 
smaller centre like Oliver.

Larry and Claire SchwartzenbergerOliver, BC
Jorg is an energetic and dedicated professional. His sessions with us 
were really geared toward what you can and cannot do given our own 
particular constraints. I had a shoulder and knee injury and Nick had a 
back injury which really prevented us from properly exercising. But 
Jorg was ever mindful of our injuries and his training approach really 
helped in the healing process. We cannot recommend his services enough.

Teresa and Nick MartyOliver, BC

Jorg’s friendly, inviting, and modest manner is not something you find in
every Personal Trainer. The moment he introduced himself to me, I knew 
I was dealing with someone I could act naturally around and feel 
comfortable with. He was also very observant and knowledgeable, 
custom designing a workout routine that was tailored precisely to my 
individual needs. As my goal was not to lose weight, but to gain lean 
muscle, he outlined and professionally demonstrated various exercises 
that I could do to achieve this.

Furthermore, since I am inquisitive and very detail-oriented, taking 
lessons with Jorg proved beneficial—for each question, he always had a 
helpful answer. I definitely recommend Jorg to anyone who is looking for 
a personable, professional, and friendly Personal Trainer to help them 
achieve their goal.

Liana Gehringer, Oliver, BC

I first came to Jorg with the idea of getting into shape and shedding a few 
pounds. He was very professional as he tailored an effective fitness 
program for me. As I enter the senior years a healthy body has become a 
much higher priority, and Jorg showed me with poise and a sense of 
humor how to push myself and gain health benefits, without getting hurt. 
Thanks so much Jorg.
Dwight Brown, Oliver, BC
Approximately 2 months ago I had my first personal training session with
Jorg and I’m happy to say that his methods work superbly. I’m in the 50+ 
age group and haven’t done a lot of exercise other than walking for a few 
years, so I’m ever careful of injuries. Jorg put together a customized 
‘Circular Club’ training routine (his invention), which provided flexibility 
and balance in my movements, and helped me gain strength and reduce 
pain levels in my shoulders, knees and lower back.

The exercises involve every day functional movements such as bending, 
arm swings, waist rotations, thrusting, squatting, etc — using the bat as an 
extension of the muscles. Jorg has even taken the time to call and check 
up on me (after the fact) to find out how I am doing in an understanding 
and encouraging way. I feel he gave me more than just a quick fix with 
equipment. His affable style and professional, sincere approach was just 
as helpful in the healing process as the exercises themselves, since he put 
me at so much ease and encouraged me to keep going.

As a result, I really notice a difference in my fitness and pain levels. As a 
Personal Trainer, my opinion of his abilities are first rate. Thanks so much

Donna MortimerOsoyoos, BC
My training experience with Jorg has been awesome! He is very passionate 
about what he does and extremely knowledgeable. Jorg customized a 
“functional fitness” routine for me and wow, what a great workout and 
refreshing change from the usual gym training. The results have been great 
and I am well pleased with it. I would recommend Jorg to anyone who 
desires the knowledge and expertise of a professional Personal Trainer.

Susan FernandesOsoyoos, BC
Jorg – I have really enjoyed the format of exercise that you designed for me. 
As I am 60 years old now, it is amazing to me that such a simple, yet well 
planned workout turned out to be so beneficial. I now see great improvement 
in my muscle tone, flexibility, my balance, and of course my outlook on life 
since I can move better through less pain.

The program you designed for me is very portable, and I can simply continue 
with my exercise at a gym, in my home, or on a vacation. The review of diet 
was also helpful, and your suggestions fit well into my meal routine. Having 
you as my trainer was a pleasure. You have wonderful customer service talent; 
made me feel comfortable, encouraged me, and left me feeling positive about 
myself and my new training routine.

Thank you and best wishes always,

Barbara RossOliver, BC
Jorg – We are very satisfied with the results that we have obtained through 
your training. Stacey and I are continuing what you have taught us with 
great results. Thanks again for getting us on the road to a healthy life style.

Denise Dixon, Stacy FowlerOliver, BC
As a former client of Jorg, I am extremely happy with my results. With the 
healthy nutrition aspect and strong functional training routine to stabilize 
my whole body, I feel wonderful. I would highly recommend that anyone 
with back, knee, neck pain, etc. check into training with Jorg. His methods 
are totally effective and unique. I feel better already and am looking forward 
to more of the same.

Cheryl TiddOliver, BC
On November 20, 2007 I broke my left arm under the shoulder joint, with a 
piece coming out of the rotator cuff, as well as receiving multiple breaks to 
my arm between the shoulder and elbow. Surgery was performed to 
re-attach my bones with plates and a series of pins. After three months, I 
was allowed to start physiotherapy.

With the help of physiotherapy, by May 13th, 2008, I was able to lift my 
arm 120 degrees out of 180 degrees. On May 20th, when my range was still 
at 120 degrees, the physiotherapist told me I had most likely peaked, and that 
might very well be the extend of my improvement. Downhearted, I consulted 
with Jorg Mardian. He told me he felt certain he could work out a program  
whereby I could achieve greater mobility and flexibility.

I was somewhat skeptical, but Jorg backed up his claim. The next time I 
went to physiotherapy, on May 27th, my movement range measured 135 
degrees, and on June 10th, arm movement had increased to 145 degrees. 
Now by July 5, I am at 150 degrees.

Lorraine RonningOliver, BC
I am 6′ 2 and weighed about 185 pounds when I started with Jorg. That may 
not be a lot of weight for my height, but as Jorg said with a smile, “I was 
soft as a jelly doughnut.” Anyways, after measuring, I found out I carried 
21% body fat. Jorg figured I should be at about 15-16%, considering my 
height, weight and age, and so he started me on a regimen of different and 
really unique, yet absolutely effective training.

I busted my gut for about three months, but the results were worth it. 
Combined with great nutrition advice, (no refined starches and plenty of 
fibrous foods), I am now at an astounding 10% body fat and posses abs! I 
never thought this was possible. Thanks for the incredible experience and 

T. DahliwalVernon, BC
Jorg, I did Monday’s exercises after I got back from seeing you, and felt 
the sweet burn later on that day. By Tuesday, I had way more flexibility! 
Just finished Wednesday’s round and can’t wait for Friday! Things are 
going great. You’re a genius! If any problems pop up, I will be sure to ask 

Daryl LangeOliver, BC
Just wanted to let you know how fortunate Oliver is to have a trainer with
your experience and exercise knowledge. I have worked out in Vancouver
with some of the best trainers there are over the last 25 years, and you either
match or exceed them. There is a very good reason I come down and visit
my parents so often — I also get to attend your Bootcamp classes, which
ALWAYS leave me feeling pumped and energized.

How on earth do you manage to come up with so many variations on
exercises? Many people love a regular routine, but as you keep telling us,
we benefit from change with continuous intensity and growth. I never did
have a lot of body fat, but I can say that my muscle mass to body fat ratio has
dramatically improved because of you. Keep up the fantastic work over there
at the Parks & Recreation Society, not only as Lead Instructor, but as a
Society Director as well. And loving your energy my friend. It’s so

Sandy CarlyleVancouver, BC

I am currently engaged, and the fiancé and I want to get in shape. We only
have 9 months until the wedding day. Of course I want my fiancé and I to
look and feel our best on that day. So, we started going to the gym and
working hard at it, but not getting anywhere. The frustration and pressure to
get healthy was building. Then by luck I picked up the Oliver Parks and
Recreation hand book and saw Jorg Mardian’s name there as a Personal
Trainer. I met Jorg about a year ago and tried out a couple of his fitness and
nutrition training classes.
What came back to my mind was how much of an understanding he had on
the foods we were eating. Well I thought , what better way to tell your fiancé
she needed to change her diet without getting into trouble. So I called Jorg up
for a meeting with the two of us. He started us out on High Intensity (HIIT)
cardio training. Now pounds and inches were moving. I then made it to his
food and nutrition seminar. I was again amazed at his knowledgeable on the
foods we were eating, and especially what was behind the label. Well I think
I learned a thing or two from the seminar.

Jorg topped off his seminar info with a walk through the local super market
with my family. Now they all know what the best food choices are when we
shop. Our high refined carb and junk diet has now changed to well balanced
eating without all the garbage. We are well on our way to reaching our goals.
I see Jorg as being very genuine in that he cares for the well being of his
clients. He has given the whole family the gift of a long healthy living life
and better lifestyle. What more can you ask for.
Darrell James, Oliver, BC
About 4-5 months ago I asked Jorg for some help with exercise and diet as I 
was very overweight and had a lot of aches and pains. With Jorg’s exercise 
plan, I have been working out at home and eating better. I have lost 42 lbs. 
and feel great and can now get into the size of clothes I haven’t seen in 40 yrs.

Jorg is a very dedicated and helpful man, I would advise anyone overweight 
or out of shape to call him and get started with training. He can be brutal with 
workouts, but in the end it is all worth it.

Joanne LewthwaiteOliver, BC
Well here we are, 12 weeks of Jorg’s fitness challenge have gone by already. 
I would like to start by saying this was a wonderful experience and having it 
published in the local paper was great motivation. I lost 13 pounds, 6.7% 
bodyfat and 5 inches off my waist. I really want to say thanks to Jorg for 
putting this challenge on in the first place. I cant wait to continue the journey 
and am eager to begin his new and improved work out class, Fitness Blast 
when it starts in September. Once again Thanks.

Samantha SchopffOliver, BC
Time sure flies when you’re having fun. This has been a great experience. 
Not only did I learn better eating habits and found a trainer that really cares; 
but I also got to lose 20 pounds, and tone up the bodacious bod while 
dropping 7.7 bodyfat and 6.5 inches off my waist. YES – it was hard when 
I first started 3 months ago, but exercise and proper nutrition has now 
become a way of life for me. I am planning to lose another 20 lbs by 
Christmas and ohh – I am looking forward to wearing a bathing suit next 
summer. Wait did I just write that down? Thanks Jorg for being a good 
friend and mentor.

Tracey BrownOliver, BC
I want to thank Jorg for helping me for this Fitness Challenge. I realize 
that it has been his great help that has helped me to get started on the path 
of healthy living. To all that may read this: Do it, make small changes, or 
even big ones and get active. Cut one thing from your diet or maybe many. 
Add healthy food. Just do it. I did, I move easier, feel better, and am proud 
of myself. I do not hurt and am stronger. I love the workouts that Jorg gives 
me. He changes it and I am always stimulated and feel great when I leave. 
Thanks Jorg for your confidence in me. (Statistics: 45 pound weight loss, 
8.55 body fat reduction and 6.75 inches off the waist in 4.5 months).

Bev AlexanderOliver, BC
Wow has time gone by fast. The end of the 12 weeks is here and I have to 
say I’ve had a lot of fun doing this Fitness Challenge with Jorg. I’ve learned 
a lot about what and how much I should be putting in my body and that r
egular exercise can help me feel great inside and out.

I’m excited about Jorg’s new classes this fall and I’ll definitely be keeping 
my twice a week work out. I like where I am now and am very comfortable 
knowing I can maintain my healthy way of living. It’s NOT hard to treat your 
body well – it pays you back 10 fold. (Statistics: 9.5 pound weight loss, 7.7% 
body fat reduction and 3.25 inches off the waist in 12 weeks)

Monica NemesOliver, BC
I’m at 146.2 lbs this week which is about 9 lbs total loss and have surpassed 
my expectations in other areas. I have learned how to eat properly and feel I 
will reach my goal eventually if I just continue eating healthy and exercising 
as often as I can. Thanks for the opportunity and the excellent mentorship 
Jorg. (Statistics: 9 pound weight loss, 8% body fat reduction and 3.25 inches 
off the waist in 12 weeks)

Kim HadleyOliver, BC
My participation with Jorg in fitness was quite an experience. The workouts 
I experienced were no picnic, let me tell you. But as everyone told me, Jorg 
works you out within your limitations, which shows how important an 
intelligently designed exercise program through a fitness professional is. I lost 
weight when I thought it was no longer possible.

I would like to commend Jorg for his excellent training techniques. I would 
highly recommend him to anyone who has the opportunity to use a qualified 
trainer. I will continue with the exercise given to me and hopefully in the next 
three months will continue to achieve good results on my own.

Bill Freding Oliver, BC
Being 72, I guess I can use the term, “If I can do it, anyone of senior age can.” 
Jorg makes the point during exercise that you do what you feel comfortable 
with, and I do just that. I have no intentions of saying, “Well that’s over with,” 
now that he is no longer there for me. I hope to continue in my new way of 
living, eating and being healthy. I’ve really enjoyed what I have learned from 
this experience. Our community should be happy to have a trainer like Jorg 

Sheila JohnstoneOliver, BC
Hi Jorg: I just wanted to pass on our thanks for the fitness and nutrition 
seminars you gave at our Osoyoos Coyotes main camp this weekend. I can 
tell you that many of the boys commented right away on how informative 
you were, how they expected a certain “typical” fitness speech, but you were 
much more engaging, relevant to hockey and that you approached the subject 
from a perspective that they found extremely interesting. Personally I found 
your talk highly motivating.

Fitness and nutrition are cornerstones of our hockey organization. You did an 
excellent job making this message clear to the players, giving examples and 
challenging them all to get outside of their comfort zones when training. This 
may have been a “first” experience with functional fitness for most of these 
players and it was a good one.

John KapustyPresident -Osoyoos Coyotes Junior Hockey Club
Jorg is a dedicated and highly creative personal trainer. He uses his vast 
knowledge of fitness and nutrition to custom design programs to the 
individual needs of his clients. I lost 4 inches off my waist and 10 lbs overall, 
which is exactly what I asked for in time to be married. I looked awesome on 
my wedding day thanks to Jorg. I saw a number on the scale I have never seen 
before, felt so good, and received many compliments. Although his workouts 
can be challenging, they are so satisfying and he never fails to be there to 
support, encourage, and celebrate my wins.

Jorg has a natural ability to motivate, inspire and draw out the very best in his 
clients, while creating new ways to challenge your body so it is never boring 
(a big thing for me). In my months of training with Jorg, I truly enjoyed the 
personal attention, encouragement, and unique workouts and diet plans he 
never failed to come up with. I am now post-wedding and will continue seeing 
Jorg to keep me on track. If you are looking to improve your body and life I 
highly recommend Jorg for your best health and results.

Ashley EricksonOsoyoos, BC
Jorg, I wanted to congratulate you on your well deserved award — the 
Okanagan Similkameen Health & Fitness Presenter for 2011. Your 
inspiration and motivation to stay fit and eat healthy has helped myself and 
so many others. I may have been AWOL for a month while we complete our 
renovation, but I continue to stay on a healthier path because of your 
suggestions. You are making the world a better place.

Mary DeakOliver, BC
Jorg, congratulations on your 2011 Fitness Presenter award. I was really 
impressed, but not surprised, that you walked away with it.

Wayne PedersenOliver, BC
Hi Jorg. I just want to say thank-you again for getting me back on track 
with being healthy, and so very happy with my life. As of yesterday I am 
down 40 lbs. (in about 16 weeks), thanks to your “Biggest Loser Challenge.” 
I am half way to where I really want to be. It is really amazing how much 
I am enjoying life again. My biggest goal was to be able to keep up to my 
husband with walking. I can do it now. We go for 5 km walks together, and 
it’s great.

Betty Hanley, Oliver, BC
Since starting your GentleFit class I have never felt better and really look 
forward to working out now. I feel I have a new lease on life. Thank You!!

Francie RossOliver, BC

After years of yo-yo dieting with minimal results, I decided to hire Personal 
Trainer Jorg Mardian to help me lose the weight I could not do on my own. In 
my 4 months with Jorg, I lost 36.5 lbs working out 3 x a week. I dropped 
10.4% body fat, 4 1/2 inches off my waist and increased my cardiovascular 
endurance and overall have more energy. He taught me that exercise and 
nutrition is a life style and I hope to take this knowledge to my goal weight.

I highly recommend Jorg because of his extensive knowledge of the human 
body and his ability to understand and prepare a personalized program of 
diet and exercise. Jorg encourages you while taking you out of your comfort 
zone and was one of my biggest support systems. In this experience I lost
weight, but gained a friend. Thanks Jorg!

Liz HolzOsoyoos, BC
This year’s Hike For Hospice was a bold success, thanks in part to your pre-
hike warm-up. You added extra value to the walk through the exercises you 
encouraged the group to try. Your contribution also added a note of fun to the 
event. We really appreciate the effort you made to join us on a sunny Sunday 
in May. Thank you for supporting the Desert Valley Hospice Society Jorg.

Catherine HahnDesert Valley Hospice Society
My name is Sarah Williams and I am currently an applicant for the RCMP. 
In my preparations for the Physical Abilities Readiness Exam component of 
my application, I began training with Jorg at Three60Fitness to make sure 
I was more than ready for the challenge. After reviewing the requirements 
for the exam – a timed obstacle course with certain strength requirements and 
an intense emphasis on cardio – Jorg began training me with a diverse set of 
routines that hit my body from every unexpected angle possible. 

In every session my cardiovascular system and muscular endurance were 
pushed to the absolute limit, which was exactly what I needed. The goal 
was to walk into the exam with utter confidence that I would fly through it 
with ease – and that goal was achieved. I am very grateful to Jorg for pushing 
me outside my comfort zone to become the athlete I needed to become, and 
I am happy to say that I am continuing to train with him as I push towards 
new goals. If you are ready to push yourself to the next level of fitness, no 
matter what level you are currently at, I highly recommend Three60Fitness.

Sarah WilliamsOsoyoos, BC
I have been working with Jorg for about a year, first as a client and later as 
a contracted fitness trainer at Three60Fitness. Through out the past year I 
have witnessed Jorg give his clients expert nutrition advise and programs like 
in his annual weight loss challenge.

Jorg’s extensive knowledge of nutrition has given many of his clients the 
ability to quickly achieve and maintain their personal health goals.

Pam ThompsonPersonal Trainer